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Milongas in Australia > Milongas in Australia, Adelaide

There are: (sort the results by: city or by state/province).
   8 milongas in Adelaide in the state/province of South Australia. go there
   7 milongas in Brisbane in the state/province of Queensland. go there
   1 milonga in Burnie in the state/province of Tasmania. go there
   4 milongas in Byron Bay in the state/province of NSW. go there
   1 milonga in Canberra in the state/province of ACT. go there
   1 milonga in ensington in the state/province of VIC. go there
   1 milonga in Gold Coast in the state/province of Queensland. go there
   3 milongas in Hobart in the state/province of Tasmania. go there
   15 milongas in Melbourne in the state/province of Victoria. go there
   7 milongas in Perth in the state/province of Western Australia. go there
   1 milonga in South perth in the state/province of Western Australia. go there
   1 milonga in Southport - Gold Coast in the state/province of Queensland. go there
   23 milongas in Sydney in the state/province of New South Wales. go there
   1 milonga in Wellington in the state/province of North Island. go there

Milongas in Adelaide to dance Tango Argentino
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Milonga's nameTANGO BY THE SEA
Beginning time16:00
Ending time20:00
Entrance fee$12 / $10
Address1 Seaview Rd, West Beach
State/ProvinceSouth Australia
Telephone 10419309439
e-mail 1sctango@bigpond.com
Milonga's venue typeSailing Club Ballroom & Bar
Milonga's venue nameHenley Sailing Club
Organizer's nameAdrienne Gill
Organizer's typeSouthern Cross Tango
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Tango by the Sea Milonga is held on the second Sunday of the month. Music is Golden Age Tango, Milonga & Vals, with some occasional contemporary tango & swing/rock'n'roll tandas in the mix. Guests are welcome to bring a plate of supper to share, with drinks available for purchase from the fully licensed bar. All welcome.
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: August 31, 2015

Milonga's nameTango in The Winery
Beginning time15:00
Ending time19:00
Entrance fee$10 / Free to members
AddressUleybury Wines near One Tree Hill
State/ProvinceSouth Australia
Telephone 10403 357 673
e-mail 1ta.club@tangoadelaide.org
Milonga's venue typeRestaurant
Milonga's venue nameUleybury Wines
Organizer's nameTango Adelaide
Organizer's typeClub
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Only held on the 5th Sunday of the month. About 4 times a year.
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: before Feb 24, 2012

Beginning time19:00
Ending time21:45
Entrance fee$10/8
AddressElectric Light Hotel, 235Grenfell St, Adelaide
State/ProvinceSouth Australia
Telephone 10400 257 027
e-mail 1secretary@siempretango.net.au
Milonga's venue typeBar
Milonga's venue nameElectric Light Hotel
Organizer's nameSiempreTango Adelaide
Organizer's typeSchool
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Every 2nd Friday of the Month. Meals Available.
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: before Feb 24, 2012

Beginning time20:00
Ending time00:00
Entrance fee$10/8
AddressDom Polski Centre
State/ProvinceSouth Australia
Telephone 10400 257 027
e-mail 1secretary@siempretango.net.au
Milonga's venue typebar
Milonga's venue nameDom Polski Centre
Organizer's nameSiempreTango Adelaide
Organizer's typeSchool
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Every 4th Friday of the month. Further details on website
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: before Feb 24, 2012

Milonga's nameLa Milonguita
Beginning time20:00
Ending time23:00
Entrance fee$10.00
Address11 - 17 Torrens Road, Ovingham
State/ProvinceSouth Australia
Telephone 10408850079
e-mail 1tangosalon@adam.com.au
Milonga's venue typeTraditional club hall with great wooden dance-floor
Milonga's venue nameAustrian Club
Organizer's nameTango Salon Adelaide
Comments (transportation, music, ...)3rd Friday of month (check website for details)

Traditional Buenos Aires style milonga. Invitation by cabeceo.

Music: Golden Age
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Milonga's nameTango Adelaide
Beginning time20:00
Ending time01:00
Entrance fee$10 -$7 for members
Address2 Cassie St Collingswood
State/ProvinceSouth Australia
Telephone 10403357673
e-mail 1ta.club@tangoadelaide.org
Milonga's venue typeBallroom
Milonga's venue nameDruids Hall
Organizer's nameTango Adelaide
Organizer's typeClub
Comments (transportation, music, ...)1st Sat of Month. Info is on the website. It is a BYO and bring a plate.
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: March 5, 2012

Milonga's name50/50 Tango on Parade
Beginning time16:00
Ending time20:00
Entrance fee$10
Address(behind the Town Hall).Cnr Parade and George Street, Norwood
Map LinkClick here for a map
State/ProvinceSouth Australia
Telephone 10403357673
e-mail 1ta.club@tangoadelaide.org
Milonga's venue typehall
Milonga's venue nameDon Pyatt Hall (Norwood Concert Hall
Organizer's nameTango Adelaide
Organizer's typeClub
Comments (transportation, music, ...)A night of 50%Tango Nuevo and 50%Traditional Tango Held on 5th Sunday in Month. About 4 a year.
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: March 5, 2012

Milonga's nameLA CALESITA Milonga
Beginning time20:00
Ending time23:00
Entrance fee$15
Address261 Pulteney St
State/ProvinceSouth Australia
Telephone 1+61419309439
e-mail 1sctango@bigpond.com
Milonga's venue typeDance Studio
Milonga's venue nameQuickSteps Dance Studio
Organizer's nameSouthern Cross Tango
Organizer's typeDance School
Comments (transportation, music, ...)La Calesita Milonga is held on the 4th Saturday of the month at QuickSteps Studio in Adelaide. Music is golden age tango, milonga & vals with some alternate neo-tango fusion & contemporary tracks in the mix. BYO drinks & glasses. From October 2015 onwards, La Calesita Milonga will be held at Quicksteps new studio at 253-251 Gouger St, Adelaide.
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: August 31, 2015

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