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Milongas in Australia > Milongas in Australia, Canberra

There are: (sort the results by: city or by state/province).
   8 milongas in Adelaide in the state/province of South Australia. go there
   7 milongas in Brisbane in the state/province of Queensland. go there
   1 milonga in Burnie in the state/province of Tasmania. go there
   4 milongas in Byron Bay in the state/province of NSW. go there
   1 milonga in Canberra in the state/province of ACT. go there
   1 milonga in ensington in the state/province of VIC. go there
   1 milonga in Gold Coast in the state/province of Queensland. go there
   3 milongas in Hobart in the state/province of Tasmania. go there
   15 milongas in Melbourne in the state/province of Victoria. go there
   7 milongas in Perth in the state/province of Western Australia. go there
   1 milonga in South perth in the state/province of Western Australia. go there
   1 milonga in Southport - Gold Coast in the state/province of Queensland. go there
   23 milongas in Sydney in the state/province of New South Wales. go there
   1 milonga in Wellington in the state/province of North Island. go there

Milongas in Canberra to dance Tango Argentino
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Milonga's nameEl Boliche
Beginning time19:30
Ending time22:30
Entrance fee$5
Address17 London Circuit, Civic, ACT
Map LinkClick here for a map
e-mail 1yuko@garyuko.id.au
Milonga's venue typebar
Milonga's venue nameThe Lounge, UniPub
Organizer's nameYuko Kinoshita, Gary Barnes, Chanop Silpa-Anan
Organizer's typeindividuals
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Three hours of great tango music selected from the best of Golden Age tango. DJ Tim returns to Canberra every second week, and DJ Yuko the other weeks.
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: before Feb 24, 2012

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