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Milongas in Australia > Milongas in Australia, Sydney

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   8 milongas in Adelaide in the state/province of South Australia. go there
   7 milongas in Brisbane in the state/province of Queensland. go there
   1 milonga in Burnie in the state/province of Tasmania. go there
   4 milongas in Byron Bay in the state/province of NSW. go there
   1 milonga in Canberra in the state/province of ACT. go there
   1 milonga in Gold Coast in the state/province of Queensland. go there
   3 milongas in Hobart in the state/province of Tasmania. go there
   15 milongas in Melbourne in the state/province of Victoria. go there
   7 milongas in Perth in the state/province of Western Australia. go there
   1 milonga in South perth in the state/province of Western Australia. go there
   1 milonga in Southport - Gold Coast in the state/province of Queensland. go there
   23 milongas in Sydney in the state/province of New South Wales. go there
   1 milonga in Wellington in the state/province of North Island. go there

Milongas in Sydney to dance Tango Argentino
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Milonga's nameA Little Buenos Aires - NOSTALGIA TANGO BAR
Beginning time16:00
Ending time20:00
Entrance fee$15pp
AddressThe Freeway Hotel, 115 Reserve Rd ARTARMON
Telephone 1+61 (0)411 458 830
e-mail 1mimi@alittlebuenosaires.com.au
Milonga's venue typeBar with dancefloor and serviced by the Freeway Brasserie
Milonga's venue nameThe Freeway Hotel
Organizer's nameA Little Buenos Aires - Tango in Sydney
Organizer's typeDance School
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Nostalgia Tango Bar is a casual weekly tango gathering. Bring your family and friends to enjoy a MATINEE MILONGA EVERY SUNDAY - the ultimate tanguero's PLAYGROUND!
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Milonga's nameCollaroy Milonga
Beginning time08:00
Ending time10:00
Entrance fee$10
AddressMasonic Hall, 1183 Pittwater Road, Collaroy
Telephone 10407 017 538
e-mail 1margarita1@iprimus.com.au
Milonga's venue typeCharming 1920 Hall
Milonga's venue nameMasonic Hall
Organizer's nameTango Embrace
Organizer's typeTango School
Comments (transportation, music, ...)First Tuesday of the month.
Fabulous huge dance floor, traditional music and friendly tangueros!
There is a class from 7pm - 8pm suitable for beginners.
Please like us! http://www.facebook.com/TangoEmbraceAustralia or Friend us on http://www.facebook.com/tangoembrace.nsw
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: September 2, 2015

Beginning time20:00
Ending time23:30
Entrance fee$8 (free with a meal purchase)
Address198 Norton St, Leichhardt
State/ProvinceNew South Wales
e-mail 1dance@tangosynergy.org
Milonga's venue typerestaurant
Milonga's venue nameFarsaci Restaurant
Organizer's nameTango Synergy Inc
Organizer's typeAssociation
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Mix of music by a guest DJ each week. Please get in touch if you'd like to be our guest DJ! Easy parking, and accessible from the city by bus 440.
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Milonga's nameTango Synergy (La Capilla)
Beginning time19:45
Ending time22:30
Entrance fee15
Address120 Darlinghurst Road
Map LinkClick here for a map
State/ProvinceNew South Wales
e-mail 1info@tangosynergy.com
e-mail 2info@tangosynergy.com
Milonga's venue typechurch hall
Milonga's venue nameSt Johns Church Hall
Organizer's nameTango Synergy
Organizer's typenot-for-profit Tango club
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Come, dance or watch and listen to Argentine Tango.

Tango Synergy Incorporated is a not-for-profit, Sydney-based association created by and for dancers of Argentine tango.

Snack, tea, coffee provided.
Entry $15 (casual), $10 (member), FREE to watch
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Milonga's nameMilonga Encanto
Beginning time08:30
Ending time11:45
Entrance fee$15
AddressWoollahra Golf Club, OSullivan Rd, Rosebay
Map LinkClick here for a map
State/ProvinceNew South Wales
Telephone 10402 287 344
e-mail 1info@tangoencanto.com
Milonga's venue typeFunction Room with Bar Coffee machine
Milonga's venue nameWoollahra Golf Club
Organizer's nameTango Encanto - Jennifer Wood
Organizer's typeTango School
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Traditional Milonga, with great music & welcoming atmosphere. Located next to Easts Rugby Club. Ample FREE parking. For public transport catch the 386 or 387 and get off at O'Sullivan Rd, then it’s a short 6 min walk to the club.

Classes available before:

6.30pm - Beginners

7.30pm - Intermediate

$20 casual or $25 including milonga

See website for more details www.tangoencanto.com
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Milonga's nameMilonga La Catedral
Beginning time21:00
Ending time23:45
Entrance fee15.00 AUD
Address120 Darlinghurst Road, Darlinghurst
Map LinkClick here for a map
State/ProvinceNew South Wales
Telephone 10418 219 188
e-mail 1info@patiodetango.com.au
Milonga's venue typeChurch Hall
Milonga's venue nameSt Johns Church Hall
Organizer's namePatio de Tango
Organizer's typeDance school
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Patio de Tango weekly THURSDAY Milonga at St Johns Darlinghurst in the bohemian area of Sydney with lovely ambience and great wooden floor. Golden Years tango music with DJ Pedro.

Organisation Patio de Tango, established 2001
Contact Pedro 0418 219 188

Parking at Grimes at St Vincents Hospital or street parking. Near Kings Cross Station and 380 bus from the city.
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Milonga's nameMilonga Spirit
Beginning time21:00
Ending time00:00
Entrance fee$15
Address204 Pitt Street, Sydney CBD, NSW, 2000
Map LinkClick here for a map
Telephone 1+61411142860
Telephone 2+61415614825
e-mail 1admin@tangospirit.com.au
Milonga's venue typeballroom
Milonga's venue nameSegars room
Organizer's nameTango Spirit
Organizer's typeDance School
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Milonga held every fourth Friday of the month.

Dress code: Smart casual

Music: Traditional with cortinas - golden age.

Location: right in the centre of the Sydney CBD - Two minutes walk from Town Hall train station, half a minute from monorail, six minutes from the car park Citipark (Wilson Parking).

Facilities for dining at Zest Restaurant with an inspired cuisine opened 5:30pm - 9pm
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Milonga's nameTango Pasion
Beginning time08:00
Ending time00:00
Entrance feeAUD 15
Address53A Ocean St (cnr Forth St) WOOLLAHRA 2025
Map LinkClick here for a map
Telephone 1+612 418 684 583
e-mail 1milonga@tangopasion.net
Milonga's venue typeMain hall of Church
Milonga's venue nameSt Columba Church Woollahra
Organizer's nameAnna and Martin Cohen
Organizer's typeDance School
Comments (transportation, music, ...)One or two Fridays per month

check . . .
tangopasion website
or . . .

Magnificent church ambience and acoustics

Dance floor: Superb, large, wooden, BsAs-style layout

Atmosphere: warm, friendly

Dress code: Smart-casual

Sound: State-of-the art sound processing - superb BsAs-style Bose speaker system

Music: Top DJ selection of traditional with cortinas - from early, through the Golden Age, Piazzolla and the traditionally inspired tango music of today (eg. Jaime Wilensky).
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Milonga's nameRincon Tango Milonga
Beginning time07:00
Ending time12:00
Entrance fee10
Addresskensington bowling club 1 day lane kingsford,sydney
Map LinkClick here for a map
Telephone 10410 793 653
e-mail 1beatriz2@bigpond.com
e-mail 2rincocubano@live.com
Milonga's venue typeBar
Milonga's venue nameKensington Bowling Club
Organizer's nameRincon Cubano - Rincon Tango
Organizer's typeDance School/Artists Team
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Live Band "Tango Bar" authentic Argentinian Tango.

Argentinian Cuisine"Asado plus a glass of red Wine"

Meet new friends and dancing partners!Go on line to Register for Partner Dance Tango Competitions February 2011!
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Milonga's nameWillougby Milonga Tango Embrace
Beginning time20:30
Ending time23:45
Entrance fee$15
AddressClub Wiloughby, 26 Crabbes Ave
Map LinkClick here for a map
Telephone 10407 017538
e-mail 1margarita1@iprimus.com.au
Milonga's venue typeClub Wiloughby
Organizer's nameTango Embrace
Comments (transportation, music, ...)26 Crabbes Ave, North Willougby. Class 7.45pm - 8.30pm included.
You can dine & the bar is open. Plenty of parking.
City bus at corner- check directions Fabulous huge dance floor, traditional music and friendly tangueros!
Please like us! http://www.facebook.com/TangoEmbraceAustralia or Friend us on http://www.facebook.com/tangoembrace.nsw
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: September 2, 2015

Milonga's nameLa Milonga
Beginning time20:30
Ending time23:45
Entrance fee20.00
Address160 St Johns Road, Glebe
Map LinkClick here for a map
Telephone 1+61415992744
Telephone 2+61412918449
e-mail 1peter@clubdetango.com.au
e-mail 2lisa@clubdetango.com.au
Milonga's venue nameGlebe Town Hall
Organizer's nameClub De Tango
Comments (transportation, music, ...)The longest running Sydney Milonga, establised 1999.
Held on the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month.
Easy public transport, and street parking.

Dress Code is Smart Casual

Music is Traditional with cortinas, Golden age, by the awarded and International Tango DJ, Lisa De Lazzari
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Milonga's nameTangoAustralia Friday Milonga
Beginning time20:00
Ending time23:45
Entrance fee$15
AddressClub Willoughby, 26 Crabbes Avenue, Willoughby
Map LinkClick here for a map
Telephone 1+612 419 49 69 70
e-mail 1carol@tangoaustralia.com.au
e-mail 2angelina@tangoaustralia.com.au
Milonga's venue typeRSL Club
Milonga's venue nameClub Willoughby
Organizer's nameCarol
Organizer's typeTango Website
Comments (transportation, music, ...)2nd Friday of the month (and some 5th Fridays when they occur)
We welcome everyone and are not attached to any tango school.
Golden Age tango
Milonga set out with tables around the floor as in Buenos Aires to allow for cabaceo
Huge free onsite car park
Bus from city - M40 - takes 17 minutes from Clarence St (near King St) stop. Check www.131500.com.au for directions
Bar open late, bistro open till 9pm
Entry includes tea, coffee and home-made cakes
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Milonga's nameLa Cortina Rosa Milonga
Beginning time19:45
Ending time11:45
Entrance fee$20
Address36 Crabbes Avenue, North Willoughby
Telephone 1+ 61 407017538
e-mail 1tangoembrace1@gmail.com
Milonga's venue typeClub
Milonga's venue nameClub Willoughby
Organizer's nameTango Embrace
Organizer's typeDAnce school
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Beautiful traditional Milonga with a class before to get you warmed up.

Buses to the door and a huge car park.

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Beginning time07:45
Ending time23:45
Entrance fee$20
Address26 Crabbes Avenue, Nth Willoughby
Map LinkClick here for a map
Telephone 10407 017 538
e-mail 1tangoembrace1@gmail.com
Milonga's venue typeClub
Milonga's venue nameClub Willoughby
Organizer's nameTango Embrace
Organizer's typeArgentine Tango Dance School
Comments (transportation, music, ...)La Cortina Rosa Milonga Club Willoughby 1st & 3rd FRIDAYS EACH MONTH

Class 7.45pm - 8.30pm, Milonga 8.30pm - 12am.


About Club Willoughby:

Restaurant & bar, snacks provided, great floor, sensual lighting, friendly and welcoming milonga. Huge car park and city buses. Traditional Tango music with DJ Margarita

Club Willoughby, 26 Crabbes Ave, off Penshurst St , NORTH Willoughby.
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: September 8, 2019

Milonga's nameTango Embrace Northside Milonga
Beginning time20:00
Ending time00:00
Entrance fee$20.00
AddressSeaforth Bowling Club, Kirkwood St, Seaforth
Map LinkClick here for a map
State/ProvinceNew South Wales
Telephone 10407017538
e-mail 1margarita1@iprimus.com.au
Milonga's venue typePrivate Club
Milonga's venue nameSeaforth Bowling Club
Organizer's nameMargarita
Organizer's typeDance School
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Held 3rd Saturday each month Tango Embrace Milonga is traditional with some uniquely Australian Aboriginal cortinas. Huge rectangular floor, candlelight, bar open, plus free tea coffee and snacks. Part proceeds to South American Orphans. Friendly atmosphere and a great mix of people of all ages and walks of life - you will love it we do! Along with traditional music we have a a tanda of salsa/cumbia and nuevo plus a surprise tango!door prize.
margarita1@iprimus.com.au 0407 017 538 http://www.facebook.com/TangoEmbraceAustralia
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Milonga's nameMilonga Spirit
Beginning time21:00
Ending time00:30
Entrance fee$20
Address204 Pitt Street, Sydney CBD, NSW, 2000
Map LinkClick here for a map
Telephone 1+61411142860
Telephone 2+61415614825
e-mail 1admin@tangospirit.com.au
Milonga's venue typeballroom
Milonga's venue nameSegars room
Organizer's nameTango Spirit
Organizer's typeDance School
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Milonga held every second Saturday of the month.

Dress code: Elegante

Music: Traditional with cortinas - golden age.

Location: right in the centre of the Sydney CBD - Two minutes walk from Town Hall train station, half a minute from monorail, six minutes from the car park Citipark (Wilson Parking).

Facilities for dining at Zest Restaurant with an inspired cuisine opened 5:30pm - 9pm
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Milonga's nameTango Pasion
Beginning time08:00
Ending time00:00
Entrance feeAUD 20
Address53A Ocean St (cnr Forth St) Woollahra 2025
Map LinkClick here for a map
Telephone 1+612 418 684 583
e-mail 1milonga@tangopasion.net
Milonga's venue typePrivate Club
Milonga's venue nameSt Columba Church
Organizer's nameAnna and Martin Cohen
Organizer's typeDance School
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Every 'First Saturday' of each month

Magnificent church ambience and acoustics

Dance floor: Superb, large, wooden, BsAs-style layout

Atmosphere: warm, friendly

Dress code: Smart-casual

Sound: State-of-the art sound processing - superb BsAs-style Bose speaker system

Music: Top DJ selection of traditional with cortinas - from early, through the Golden Age, Piazzolla and the traditionally inspired tango music of today (eg. Jaime Wilensky).
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: March 5, 2016

Milonga's nameA Little Buenos Aires - NOCHE DE TANGO!
Beginning time20:00
Ending time00:00
Entrance fee$20pp (excl. special events)
Address73-75 Norton Street, ASHFIELD
Map LinkClick here for a map
Telephone 1+ 61 (0) 411 458 830
e-mail 1mimi@alittlebuenosaires.com.au
Milonga's venue typeClub with large dance floor, serviced by bar and restaurant
Milonga's venue nameThe Polish Club Auditorium
Organizer's nameA Little Buenos Aires - Tango in Sydney
Organizer's typeDance Organisation
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Noche de Tango is Sydney's longest established Milonga! In it's 11th year, it's known for its elegance and friendliness. Noche de Tango is a traditional monthly milonga on the second Saturday of EVERY MONTH. Look out for special events such as the Anniversary milonga every July and the Annual Christmas Ball!

EVERYONE is welcome!
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: January 8, 2013

Milonga's nameSeaforth Milonga
Beginning time08:30
Ending time12:00
Entrance fee$20
AddressKirkwood Street, Seaforth
Map LinkClick here for a map
Telephone 10407017538
e-mail 1margarita1@iprimus.com.au
Milonga's venue typeBowling Club
Milonga's venue nameSeaforth Bowling Club
Organizer's nameTango Embrace
Organizer's typeDance School
Comments (transportation, music, ...)On the 3rd Saturday each month. Class at 7.45pm - 8.30pm.A friendly milonga with traditional music plus a surprise or two. We often have a couple of tandas performed by an Argentinian Singer or live music it is worth calling or emailing. We hire the entire club and it has a very spacious floor with romantic lighting. The bar is open and we provide snacks plus tea & coffee. All milongas give part proceeds to Bolivian Orphans through Compassion Australia. The cost is $20. Door prize. Hosts Margarita & Guy. Facebook Tango Embrace Sydney
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Milonga's nameMilonga de Mis Amores
Beginning time20:00
Ending time00:45
Entrance fee$20
AddressNorth Sydney Leagues Club, 12 Crabbes AVenue, Cammeray
Map LinkClick here for a map
Telephone 10419 49 69 70
e-mail 1carol@tangoaustralia.com.au
Milonga's venue typeRugby Leagues Club
Milonga's venue nameNorth Sydney Leagues Club
Organizer's nameCarol
Organizer's typeTango Website
Comments (transportation, music, ...)4th Saturday of the month
Golden Age Tango
Milonga in the style of the traditional Buenos Aires milongas with tables arranged facing the floor.
Entry $20
Free onsite car park
Bars and bistros open till late
Bus from city or train to North Sydney then catch bus. Check www.131500.com.au for directions.
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: September 7, 2012

Milonga's name Pasional
Beginning time20:00
Ending time01:00
Entrance fee$25
Address96 Shaftesbury rd Burwood
Telephone 10414 431 722
e-mail 1Info@tangoconca.com
Milonga's venue typeClub with bar and restaurants
Milonga's venue nameClub Burwood RSL
Organizer's nameKarina and Fabian Conca
Organizer's typeDance school and Milonga, events organisers
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Milonga Pasional only runs on the third Saturday of every month. Venue has plenty of parking and close to train station and public transport.
Large beautiful dance floor. Air Conditioning. Music carefully arranged by DJ Fabian which plays some of the best music from the golden era , keeping this Milonga very traditional.
Bar, restaurants, tea and coffee facilities are available at the club.
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: May 11, 2018

Milonga's nameMilonga Bajo Fondo
Beginning time20:00
Ending time01:00
Entrance fee25.00
Address120 Darlinghurst Road Darlinghurst
Map LinkClick here for a map
State/ProvinceNew South Wales
Telephone 10418 219 188
e-mail 1info@patiodetango.com.au
Milonga's venue typeChurch Hall
Milonga's venue nameSt Johns Church Hall
Organizer's namePedro Alvarez
Organizer's typeDance School
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Monthly Milonga first Saturday of each month at Patio de Tango milonga venue at St Johns Hall, Darlinghurst. Lovely wooden dance floor and Buenos Aires ambience, in the bohemian quarter of Sydney.
Special cover charge for milonga is $25 per person. Light Supper included.

Organisation Patio de Tango, established 2001
Contact Pedro 0418 219 188

Parking at Grimes at St Vincents Hospital or street parking. Near Kings Cross Station and 380 bus from the city.
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Milonga's nameSydneyTango Milonga
Beginning time20:00
Ending time23:45
Entrance fee30.00
Address24 Stoney Creek Road, Bexley
Map LinkClick here for a map
State/ProvinceNew South Wales
Telephone 10411822258
e-mail 1support@sydneytango.com.au
e-mail 2sima@eveningstar.cc
Milonga's venue typeBallroom
Milonga's venue nameClub Bexley
Organizer's nameSydneyTango
Organizer's typeTango Calendar organisers
Comments (transportation, music, ...)SydneyTango is a community website run by volunteers who run a special milonga with LIVE ORCHESTRA every 5th Saturday of the month – ie 4 times a year when there are 5 Saturdays in the month. Beautiful air-conditioned dance floor with easy parking, full bar and bistro available. Come dance to live music - a very inspiring experience.
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