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Milongas in Europe > Milongas in Germany, Neuss

There are: (sort the results by: city or by state/province).
   1 milonga in 10178 Berlin in the state/province of Berlin. go there
   1 milonga in 10719 Berlin in the state/province of Deutschland. go there
   1 milonga in 20359 Hamburg in the state/province of Hamburg. go there
   1 milonga in 27574 Bremerhaven in the state/province of Bremen. go there
   2 milongas in 30165 Hannover in the state/province of Niedersachsen. go there
   1 milonga in 56130 Bad Ems in the state/province of Rhineland Palatinate. go there
   1 milonga in 59227 Ahlen in the state/province of Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW). go there
   1 milonga in 59846 Sundern/Sauerl. in the state/province of NRW. go there
   1 milonga in 65719 Hofheim in the state/province of Hessen. go there
   1 milonga in 65719 Hofheim am Taunus in the state/province of Hessen. go there
   1 milonga in 72458 Albstadt in the state/province of Baden-Wuerttemberg . go there
   1 milonga in 76185 Karlsruhe in the state/province of Baden-Wuerttemberg. go there
   1 milonga in 83257 Gstadt-Gollenshausen in the state/province of Bavaria. go there
   1 milonga in 86825 Schlingen bei Bad Woerishofen in the state/province of Bavaria. go there
   2 milongas in Albstadt in the state/province of Baden-Wuerttemberg . go there
   1 milonga in Altheim 88699 in the state/province of Baden Wuerttemberg. go there
   1 milonga in Augsburg in the state/province of Bavaria. go there
   1 milonga in Baden-Baden in the state/province of Baden-Wrttemberg. go there
   2 milongas in Bamberg in the state/province of Bayern. go there
   20 milongas in Berlin in the state/province of Berlin. go there
   1 milonga in Biberach in the state/province of Baden-Wuerttemberg. go there
   1 milonga in Bielefeld in the state/province of NRW. go there
   1 milonga in Bochum in the state/province of NRW. go there
   3 milongas in Bonn in the state/province of Nordrhein-Westfalen. go there
   3 milongas in Bremen in the state/province of Bremen. go there
   1 milonga in bremerhaven in the state/province of bremen. go there
   1 milonga in Bremerhaven 27568 in the state/province of Bremen. go there
   2 milongas in Cologne in the state/province of Nordrhein-Westfalen. go there
   1 milonga in D-58455 Witten in the state/province of NRW. go there
   1 milonga in Darmstadt in the state/province of Hessen. go there
   3 milongas in Dortmund in the state/province of NRW. go there
   3 milongas in Dresden in the state/province of Sachsen. go there
   1 milonga in Duesseldorf in the state/province of nordrheinwestfalen. go there
   1 milonga in Duisburg in the state/province of Nordrheinwestfalen. go there
   1 milonga in Einbeck in the state/province of Niedersachsen. go there
   3 milongas in Erfurt in the state/province of Thuringia. go there
   1 milonga in Essen in the state/province of NRW. go there
   1 milonga in Fankfurtr in the state/province of Hessen. go there
   9 milongas in Frankfurt in the state/province of Hessen. go there
   11 milongas in Frankfurt am Main in the state/province of Deutschland. go there
   3 milongas in Freiburg in the state/province of Baden. go there
   1 milonga in Freiburg Breisgau in the state/province of Baden. go there
   1 milonga in Freising in the state/province of Bavaria. go there
   1 milonga in Fulda/Kerzell in the state/province of Hessen. go there
   1 milonga in Goettingen in the state/province of Niedersachsen. go there
   2 milongas in Griesheim near Darmstadt in the state/province of Hessen. go there
   17 milongas in Hamburg in the state/province of Hamburg. go there
   4 milongas in Hannover in the state/province of Niedersachsen. go there
   5 milongas in Heidelberg in the state/province of Baden Wuerttemberg. go there
   1 milonga in Herne in the state/province of NRW. go there
   2 milongas in Itzehoe in the state/province of Schleswig-Holstein. go there
   2 milongas in Karlsruhe in the state/province of BW. go there
   8 milongas in Kassel in the state/province of Hessen. go there
   1 milonga in Kiel in the state/province of Schleswig-Holstein. go there
   1 milonga in Koeln / Colonia in the state/province of N.R.W / Westfalia.. go there
   1 milonga in Kornwestheim/Stuttgart in the state/province of Baden-Wuerttemberg. go there
   1 milonga in Krefeld in the state/province of Nordrheinwestfalen. go there
   1 milonga in Loerrach-Stetten in the state/province of Baden Wuertenberg. go there
   1 milonga in Ludwigsburg in the state/province of Baden Wuertember. go there
   3 milongas in Luebeck in the state/province of Schleswig-Holstein. go there
   1 milonga in Luebeck-Stockelsdorf in the state/province of Schleswig-Holstein. go there
   2 milongas in Mannheim in the state/province of Baden Wurttemberg. go there
   2 milongas in Moenchengladbach in the state/province of Nordrheinwestfalen. go there
   1 milonga in Moers in the state/province of NRW. go there
   14 milongas in Munich in the state/province of Bavaria. go there
   3 milongas in Neuss in the state/province of NRW. go there
   1 milonga in Neuss-Dusseldorf in the state/province of NRW. go there
   2 milongas in Nuertingen in the state/province of Baden Wurtenberg. go there
   1 milonga in Nuremberg in the state/province of Bavaria. go there
   1 milonga in Oldenburg in the state/province of Niedersachsen. go there
   1 milonga in Osnabrueck in the state/province of Niedersachsen. go there
   1 milonga in Passau in the state/province of Bavaria. go there
   1 milonga in Pforzheim (75217 Birkenfeld) in the state/province of Baden-Wuerttemberg. go there
   1 milonga in Ratisbon in the state/province of Bavaria. go there
   1 milonga in Regensburg in the state/province of Bavaria. go there
   1 milonga in Remchingen 75196 in the state/province of Baden-Wuerttemberg. go there
   1 milonga in Reutlingen in the state/province of Baden Wrttemberg. go there
   1 milonga in Rosenheim in the state/province of Bavaria. go there
   1 milonga in Rostock in the state/province of Mecklenburg . go there
   2 milongas in Saarbrcken in the state/province of Saarland. go there
   1 milonga in Saarbruecken in the state/province of Saarland. go there
   2 milongas in Saarbruecken 66117 in the state/province of Saarland. go there
   1 milonga in Schlehdorf am Kochelsee in the state/province of Bavaria. go there
   1 milonga in Starnberg in the state/province of Bayern. go there
   9 milongas in Stuttgart in the state/province of Baden Wuerttemberg. go there
   1 milonga in Tegau in the state/province of Thuringia. go there
   1 milonga in Trier in the state/province of Rheinland-Pfalz. go there
   4 milongas in Tuebingen in the state/province of Baden-Wuerttemberg. go there
   3 milongas in Ulm in the state/province of Baden Wuerttemberg. go there
   1 milonga in Veckenstedt in the state/province of Niedersachsen. go there
   1 milonga in Viersen in the state/province of Nordrheinwestfalen. go there
   1 milonga in Wachtendonk in the state/province of Nordrhein-Westfalen . go there
   1 milonga in Willich in the state/province of NRW. go there
   1 milonga in Wuppertal 42117 in the state/province of NRW. go there

Milongas in Neuss to dance Tango Argentino
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Milonga's nameHoy Tango
Beginning time21:00
Ending time01:30
Entrance fee6
Address Heerdterbuschstr. 4
Map LinkClick here for a map
Telephone 10173 81970
e-mail 1hoy@hoy-tango.de
Milonga's venue typeClub
Milonga's venue nameHoy Tango
Organizer's nameFortissimo y Sim
Organizer's typeTango shool DJ
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: June 16, 2017

Milonga's nameHOY TANGO
Beginning time21:00
Ending time01:30
Entrance fee6
AddressHeerdterbuschstrae 4,
Map LinkClick here for a map
Telephone 1+49.173.8197090
e-mail 1hoy@hoy-tango.de
Milonga's venue typeTANGO-SCHOOL
Milonga's venue nameHOY TANGO
Organizer's nameSIM y Fortissimo
Organizer's typeTANGO SCHOOL
Comments (transportation, music, ...)S-Bahn: S8 + S11
U-Bahn: U75
Bus: 829 + 830 + 833
A young 100% classic but very passionate milonga, which is popular by dancers with international experiences. Attention is paid to salon manners. Dancers with less experience can work out their knowledge and skills at the practica before the salon starts. First consolidate and train you’re Tango, and then test and apply them in the Salon. The selection of the DJ is strict, long-term experience with 100% classical Tango-Argentina and musical composed tandas and cortinas is guaranteed. Great, very comfortable. covered terrace. Perfect oak swinging - parquet flooring.
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: May 9, 2018

Milonga's nameTango Z
Beginning time21:00
Ending time01:00
Entrance fee4
AddressKrefelder Str. 66
Telephone 1+49 171 3427183
e-mail 1info@tango-neuss.de
Milonga's venue typeBoersencafe
Organizer's nameWalter
Comments (transportation, music, ...)1. Do - traditional / 3. Do - 100% Neo / 5. Do Milonga / 2.+4. Do = 50% trad/50% Neo
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: March 15, 2019

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