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Milongas in Europe > Milongas in United Kingdom, Guildford

There are: (sort the results by: city or by state/province).
   2 milongas in Aberdeen in the state/province of Scotland. go there
   1 milonga in Arundel, West Sussex in the state/province of West Sussex. go there
   1 milonga in Barlaston in the state/province of Staffordshire. go there
   1 milonga in Barnet in the state/province of London. go there
   1 milonga in Basingstoke in the state/province of Hampshire. go there
   1 milonga in Batley in the state/province of West Yorkshre. go there
   2 milongas in Bedford in the state/province of Bedfordshire. go there
   2 milongas in Belfast in the state/province of Northern Ireland. go there
   4 milongas in Birmingham in the state/province of England. go there
   5 milongas in Bournemouth in the state/province of Dorset. go there
   4 milongas in Brighton in the state/province of East Sussex. go there
   1 milonga in Bristol in the state/province of Avon. go there
   1 milonga in Burley in the state/province of Hampshire. go there
   1 milonga in Callington in the state/province of Cornwall. go there
   1 milonga in CAMBRIDGE in the state/province of East of England. go there
   1 milonga in Canterbury in the state/province of Kent. go there
   1 milonga in Chelmsford CM3 8HL in the state/province of Essex. go there
   1 milonga in Chester in the state/province of Cheshire. go there
   1 milonga in Chippenham in the state/province of Wiltshire. go there
   1 milonga in Derby in the state/province of Derbyshire. go there
   1 milonga in Durham in the state/province of Tyne & Wear. go there
   1 milonga in Eastbourne in the state/province of Sussex. go there
   1 milonga in edinburgh in the state/province of scotland. go there
   3 milongas in Enfield in the state/province of London. go there
   1 milonga in Farnham in the state/province of Surry. go there
   6 milongas in Fleet in the state/province of Hants. go there
   5 milongas in Glasgow in the state/province of Lanarkshire. go there
   2 milongas in Gloucester in the state/province of Gloucestershire. go there
   1 milonga in Guildford in the state/province of Surrey. go there
   1 milonga in Harrogate in the state/province of North Yorkshire. go there
   1 milonga in Hastings Old Town in the state/province of east sussex. go there
   3 milongas in Hatfield in the state/province of Hertfordshire. go there
   2 milongas in Haywards HeatH in the state/province of Sussex. go there
   1 milonga in Hixon, Stafford in the state/province of Staffordshire. go there
   2 milongas in Leeds in the state/province of West Yorkshire. go there
   1 milonga in Liphook in the state/province of Hampshire. go there
   3 milongas in Liverpool in the state/province of Merseyside. go there
   46 milongas in London in the state/province of Greater London. go there
   1 milonga in Lutterworth in the state/province of Leicestershire. go there
   1 milonga in Lydney in the state/province of Gloucestershire. go there
   1 milonga in Maidenhead in the state/province of Berkshire. go there
   1 milonga in Malvern in the state/province of Worcestershire. go there
   1 milonga in manchester in the state/province of london. go there
   1 milonga in Newbury in the state/province of Berkshire. go there
   5 milongas in Newcastle upon Tyne in the state/province of Tyne & Wear. go there
   2 milongas in Newport in the state/province of Shropshire. go there
   1 milonga in Norwich in the state/province of Norfolk. go there
   5 milongas in Nottingham in the state/province of Nottinghamshire . go there
   1 milonga in Odiham, Hook in the state/province of Hampshire. go there
   1 milonga in Old Windsor in the state/province of Berkshire. go there
   1 milonga in Oswestry in the state/province of Shropshire. go there
   2 milongas in Paisley in the state/province of Scotland. go there
   1 milonga in Penge in the state/province of London. go there
   3 milongas in Plymouth in the state/province of Devon. go there
   1 milonga in Preston in the state/province of Lancashire. go there
   10 milongas in Reading in the state/province of UK. go there
   1 milonga in Ringwood in the state/province of Hampshire. go there
   1 milonga in Ross-on-Wye in the state/province of Herefordshire. go there
   1 milonga in Rosset in the state/province of Cheshire. go there
   2 milongas in Royal Leamington Spa in the state/province of Warwickshire. go there
   1 milonga in Sheffield in the state/province of South Yorkshire. go there
   2 milongas in Shepherdswell in the state/province of Kent. go there
   1 milonga in South London, Bromley in the state/province of London. go there
   3 milongas in Southampton in the state/province of Hampshire. go there
   2 milongas in Stafford in the state/province of Staffordshire, England. go there
   1 milonga in Swansea in the state/province of West Glamorgan. go there
   1 milonga in Teddington in the state/province of London. go there
   1 milonga in TOTNES in the state/province of Devon. go there
   1 milonga in Tring in the state/province of Hertfordshire. go there
   1 milonga in WARRINGTON in the state/province of CHESHIRE. go there
   2 milongas in Warwick in the state/province of Midlands. go there
   1 milonga in Watford in the state/province of Hertfordshire. go there
   1 milonga in Wetherby in the state/province of West Yorkshire. go there
   1 milonga in Winchester in the state/province of Hampshire. go there
   4 milongas in Windsor in the state/province of Berkshire. go there
   1 milonga in Wrexham in the state/province of N.Wales. go there
   3 milongas in York in the state/province of North Yorkshire. go there

Milongas in Guildford to dance Tango Argentino
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Milonga's nameLa Milonga Conexion
Beginning time19:00
Ending time23:00
Entrance fee£10
AddressOnslow Village Hall, Wilderness Road, Guildford GU2 7QR
Map LinkClick here for a map
Telephone 100447798937182
e-mail 1marek@tangoconexion.com
Milonga's venue typeDance hall
Milonga's venue nameOnslow Village Hall
Organizer's nameMarek and Olivera
Organizer's typeDance school
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Traditional milonga in Guildford with ambiance of Buenos Aires! Join your friends and favorite tango partners for a delightful evening on the excellent sprung dance floor! Authentic Style Milonga with tandas,cortinas and cabeceo.

2015 Milonga dates:

January 17
February 21
March 21
April 18
May 16
June 20
July 18
August 15
September 19
October 17
November 21
December 19
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: January 6, 2015

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