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Milongas in Europe > Milongas in Norway

There are: (sort the results by: city or by state/province).
   1 milonga in Bergen in the state/province of Hordaland. go there
   1 milonga in Haugesund in the state/province of Rogaland. go there
   1 milonga in Lillehammer in the state/province of Innlandet. go there
   7 milongas in Oslo in the state/province of Oslo. go there
   1 milonga in Skien in the state/province of Telemark . go there
   1 milonga in Tonsberg in the state/province of Vestfold. go there
   1 milonga in Tromso in the state/province of Tromso. go there
   1 milonga in Trondheim in the state/province of Trondelag. go there

Milongas in Bergen to dance Tango Argentino
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Beginning time20:00
Ending time23:00
Entrance feeNOK 50
AddressJekteviken 5
Map LinkClick here for a map
e-mail 1tangoabrazo@bergentango.no
Organizer's nameTango Abrazo
Organizer's typeDance School
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Milonga also on Friday at 21:00 and Sunday at 18:00. International guests welcome, please check our webpages. Tandas with cortinas, traditional music.
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: June 27, 2013

Milongas in Haugesund to dance Tango Argentino
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Milonga's nameTorsdagsmilonga
Beginning time19:00
Ending time21:30
Entrance feeFree
AddressStrandgata 70
Map LinkClick here for a map
Telephone 1+4746765476
Telephone 2+4748188430
e-mail 1tangotare@gmail.com
e-mail 2ibtorbjornsen@gmail.com
Milonga's venue typeCulture house
Milonga's venue nameGamle Slaktehuset
Organizer's nameTangoTare
Organizer's typeAssosiation
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: October 18, 2014

Milongas in Lillehammer to dance Tango Argentino
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Beginning time19:00
Ending time22:00
Entrance fee100 NOK
AddressKirkegata 41
Map LinkClick here for a map
e-mail 1tangobanco@gmail.com
Milonga's venue typeballroom
Milonga's venue nameKulturhuset Banken
Organizer's nameTango Banco
Organizer's typeassociation
Comments (transportation, music, ...)3 min walk from Lillehammer train station
Normally we have 1 hour instructions, then 2 hour milonga. Quite informal :-)
You are very welcome!
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: March 4, 2024

Milongas in Oslo to dance Tango Argentino
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Milonga's nameCosmopolite
Beginning time19:00
Ending time00:00
Entrance feeNkr. 100
AddressVogtsgate 64
Map LinkClick here for a map
Telephone 1004793404431
Telephone 2004722331108
e-mail 1ramon.tango@c2i.net
e-mail 2cosmopolite@cosmopolite.no
Milonga's venue typebar/dance
Organizer's nameRamon Gimenez
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Oslos first and largest milonga established in 1994 Now in new and beautifully restored Soria Moria, Cosmopolite in Oslo. Oslos largest dancefloor. Often in combination with concerts, live music and performances.

Easily accessable with tramway, T-bane or buss.
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: before Feb 24, 2012

Milonga's nameOslo Queer Practica
Beginning time20:30
Ending time23:00
Entrance fee70 NOK (50 NOK for OTQ members)
AddressFredensborgveien 24A
Map LinkClick here for a map
e-mail 1contact@oslotangoqueer.com
Milonga's venue typeStudio
Milonga's venue nameAtelier24
Organizer's nameOslo Tango Queer
Organizer's typeAssociation
Comments (transportation, music, ...)For tango dancers who like to challenge traditional gender roles on the dancefloor...
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: before Feb 24, 2012

Milonga's name Milonga de Ramon
Beginning time20:00
Ending time00:00
Entrance feekr. 100
AddressKronprinsensgate 1
Telephone 1+4793404431
Telephone 2+4793023877
e-mail 1nili.deloya@gmail.com
e-mail 2nili.deloya@gmail.com
Milonga's venue typeballroom
Milonga's venue nameSjomannsforeningen selskapslokaler
Organizer's nameRamon Gimenez
Organizer's typedance instructor and dance school
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: October 15, 2013

Milonga's nameMilonga Social
Beginning time20:00
Ending time23:30
Entrance feeNok 80.-/ 10.-
AddressJosefinesgate 32/34
Telephone 1+4791332282
e-mail 1unnibiz@yahoo.no
Milonga's venue typeArcitechts house with fantastic wooden floor and a lush green backyard.
Milonga's venue nameArkitektenes hus
Organizer's nameUnni Hermansen
Organizer's typeDance school
Comments (transportation, music, ...)International guests is hartly welcome! We are open every Thursday in July and August 2013.
We play traditional and modern music in 70/30 mix. Tandas seperated by cortinas. Friendly atmosphare!
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: June 12, 2013

Milonga's nameLa Colgada
Beginning time20:00
Ending time02:00
Entrance fee100 nok.
AddressNormannsgata 55
e-mail 1syvymariano@gmail.com
Organizer's nameMariano, Robert, Jermund
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: before Feb 24, 2012

Milonga's nameConcert with Otros Aires
Beginning time20:00
Ending time01:00
Entrance fee250 and 200 NOK
AddressVogtsgata 64
e-mail 1cosmopolite@cosmopolite.no
Milonga's venue typeConcerthall
Milonga's venue nameCosmopolite
Organizer's nameCosmopolite Scene
Organizer's typeConcerthall
Comments (transportation, music, ...)This is concert with Otros Aires from Argentina and it will be milonga just on this day 10.september.This is tango nuevo,electro tango.
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: before Feb 24, 2012

Milonga's nameMilonga Social
Beginning time21:00
Ending time01:00
Entrance fee100.- Nok
AddressJosefinesgate 32
Telephone 147 91332282
Telephone 291332282
e-mail 1unnibiz@yahoo.no
e-mail 2unnibiz@yahoo.no
Milonga's venue typeArchitchts hall
Milonga's venue nameArkitektenes hus
Organizer's nameUnni Lisbeth Hermansen
Organizer's typeIndividual
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Every Wednsday and Saturday in July 2015. For the rest of the year see www.tangopraxis.com or Fb group Tangodansere i Oslo
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: July 11, 2015

Milongas in Skien to dance Tango Argentino
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Beginning time19:30
Ending time21:30
AddressFestiviteten Hesselbergsgate 2
Telephone 1 926 57 614
Telephone 2908 68 543
e-mail 119cfma48@gmail.com
Milonga's venue typeold theater
Organizer's nameGrenland TAngoklubb
Comments (transportation, music, ...)No milonga in july / august
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: January 25, 2015

Milongas in Tonsberg to dance Tango Argentino
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Milonga's nameTango Tonsberg
Beginning time18:30
Ending time21:30
AddressSee tangotonsberg.no
Map LinkClick here for a map
e-mail 1post@tangotonsberg.no
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Check our website tangotonsberg.no for updated calendar and addresses.

edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: September 9, 2024

Milongas in Tromso to dance Tango Argentino
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Milonga's nameArgentine Tango Festival
Beginning time19:00
Ending time23:00
Entrance feekr. 250 pr person
AddressBjornebekkvegen 108, 9017 Tromso
Telephone 190735943
e-mail 1felliewsdansestudio@live.com
Milonga's venue typeBallroom
Milonga's venue nameFelliews Dansestudio
Organizer's nameFelliews Dance Studio
Organizer's typeBallroom Dance Studio
Comments (transportation, music, ...)The argentine tango festival can be organized at any time of the year for 6 to 8 weeks and on Fridays. Argentine Tango, Milonga & Argentine Waltz are played on those events. A one hour group class will precede all our milongas. Please check our calendar to learn about our activities.
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: January 5, 2020

Milongas in Trondheim to dance Tango Argentino
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Milonga's nameFriday milonga
Beginning time21:00
Ending time01:00
Entrance feestudent, member 50 NOK. Others 100 NOK.
AddressBaatsmannsgt 4, 4 floor
Map LinkClick here for a map
Telephone 199297923
e-mail 1info@trondheimtango.no
Milonga's venue typeBallroom, snacks, coffee and tea is included.
Milonga's venue nameTangohuset
Organizer's nameTrondheim Tangoklubb
Organizer's typeassociation based on voluntary work by dancers in Trondheim.
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Usually traditional music. Practica from 19-21 Fridays.
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: March 11, 2019

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