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Milongas in Asia > Milongas in Syria

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   2 milongas in Damascus in the state/province of Damascus . go there

Milongas in Damascus to dance Tango Argentino
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Milonga's nameMILONGAMOS
Beginning time19:00
Ending time21:00
Entrance fee1000 SYP
AddressDamascus City - Armitaj Hotel
e-mail 1tangolovers7@gmail.com
Milonga's venue typeArmitaj Hotel Ballroom
Milonga's venue nameArmitaj Hotel
Organizer's nameTango Lovers in Damascus
Organizer's typeTango Community
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Tango against war and hatred! Tango love and passion against agony and pain of war!

Now in Damascus, we need a reason to smile, and feel good, even for few hours.

Usually, dancers have different tastes, and we cannot satisfy all tastes at one Milonga. Most dancers like to try new places, new parties, new concepts, new music, new styles.

MILONGAMOS is the best choice and best tango tandas!
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: November 23, 2015

Milonga's nameMilongAmiGo
Beginning time08:00
Ending time12:00
Entrance fee6 $
AddressDama Rose Hotel
Map LinkClick here for a map
Telephone 100963933699029
Telephone 200963992497257
e-mail 1jasarm4ever@gmail.com
e-mail 2jasarm4ever@yahoo.com
Websitehttp://No website
Milonga's venue typeBar
Milonga's venue nameDama Rose Hotel
Organizer's nameAhmad Muasses
Organizer's typeTango Dancer/ TJ
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Every Tuesday at the elegant 5 stars hotel tango music keep the feet of dancers on the LOD enjoying the Golden Era tradional music.
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: August 5, 2019

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