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Milongas in Asia > Milongas in Hong Kong

There are: (sort the results by: city or by state/province).
   5 milongas in Hong Kong in the state/province of Hong Kong. go there
   1 milonga in Hong kong Island in the state/province of Hong kong. go there

Milongas in Hong Kong to dance Tango Argentino
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Milonga's nameMilonga Diabla
Beginning time08:30
Ending time00:00
Entrance feeHK$100
CityHong Kong
Address7/F, Richmond Plaza, 496 Jaffe Road, Causeway Bay,
Map LinkClick here for a map
State/ProvinceHong Kong
e-mail 1milongadiabla@mail.com
Milonga's venue typeDance Studio
Milonga's venue nameAB Dance Academy
Organizer's nameAngel Wong
Organizer's typeIndividual, Tango DJ
Comments (transportation, music, ...)1st Sunday of each month.

A monthly milonga created for people who just want to dance and have fun in relaxing Sunday evenings with traditional tango music and cozy ambience.
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: June 21, 2014

Milonga's nameMilonga Nuevo
Beginning time20:30
Ending time23:30
Entrance feeHK$120
CityHong Kong
Address 20/F Richmond Plaza, 496 Jaffe Road, Causeway Bay (MTR Exit C)
Map LinkClick here for a map
State/ProvinceHong Kong
Telephone 1852 91519778
Telephone 2852 92235629
e-mail 1edithdancing@gmail.com
e-mail 2kamong@gmail.com
Milonga's venue typeDance Studio
Milonga's venue nameDance Culture studio
Organizer's nameEdith and Kamong
Organizer's typeindividuals
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Milonga Nuevo Since January 2006 hosted by Edith and Kamong
Our music playlist combines a careful selection of traditional tangos, as well as new versions of classical tangos produced by contemporary tango orchestras. Electronic and fusion tangos are also featured. Each week, we will introduce newly released and varied Tango albums from Buenos Aires and various other countries.
We offer Tango dancers and enthusiasts in Hong Kong a unique Milonga experience where the atmosphere itself dances between the energetic and romantic, while remaining elegant and fun!

~welcome everyone join us !looking forward to see you
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: October 7, 2024

Milonga's nameMilonga Otra Noche
Beginning time21:30
Ending time01:30
Entrance feeHK$ 80.00
CityHong Kong
Address20/F., Richmond Plaza, 496 Jaffe Road, Causeway Bay.
Map LinkClick here for a map
State/ProvinceHong Kong
Telephone 1Lily: 852- 92572195
Telephone 2Agnes: 852-92670500
e-mail 1otrotangohk@gmail.com
e-mail 2otrotango@hotmail.com
Milonga's venue typeStudio
Milonga's venue nameDance Culture
Organizer's nameLas Gatas
Organizer's typePartners
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Located at the center of shopping area, 3 minutes walk from MTR station Causeway Bay.

Spacious wooden floor made for dancing, nice ambience, friendly people, seats with tables and chairs, snacks, wine and beverages.

We play traditional tango music.
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: October 28, 2013

Milonga's nameHKTAA Practica
Beginning time17:00
Ending time19:00
Entrance feeHKD100
CityHong Kong
AddressRoom 504-505, Enterprise Building, 228 Queens Road Central, Sheung wan, Hong Kong
Map LinkClick here for a map
State/ProvinceHong Kong
e-mail 1hongkongtango@hongkongtango.org
Milonga's venue typeDance Studio
Organizer's nameHong Kong Tango Argentino Association
Organizer's typeTango Association
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Join us for our informal sharing space – Our Saturday Practica!! It’s a place friendly for people who would like to practice tango individually or gather together to exchange with people of different levels. If you want to know what is authentic “Tango Argentino” and taste its magic, it is also a good place for you.

Everyone are welcome! Please invite your friends to come with you. Practice, Jam and Chat with us.
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: April 9, 2015

Milonga's nameCorazon Milonga
Beginning time21:30
Ending time01:30
Entrance feeHK$140 (Included water,wine and snacks)
CityHong Kong
Address20/F, 148 Electric Road, TinHau, HK(MTR Station: Tin Hau)
Map LinkClick here for a map
State/ProvinceHong Kong
Telephone 1edith +852 9151 9778
Telephone 2kamong +852 9223 5629
e-mail 1edithdancing@gmail.com
e-mail 2kamong@gmail.com
Milonga's venue typeStudio
Milonga's venue nameDanzStage
Organizer's nameKa Mong and Edith
Organizer's typeindividuals
Comments (transportation, music, ...)-traditional music
-Big and elegant Studio
-Very close to MTR station Tin Hau: 5-8 min walk

-Held every first and third Saturday of every month
please whatsapp us for more details!
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: March 11, 2023

Milongas in Hong kong Island to dance Tango Argentino
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Milonga's nameMilonga 9
Beginning time21:00
Ending time01:00
Entrance feeHKD 160 pre-Booking - HKD 180 at the Door
CityHong kong Island
Address8/F 9 Des Voeux Road West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong (pls use entrance on QueenSt)
Map LinkClick here for a map
State/ProvinceHong kong
Telephone 1+852 6362 2815
Telephone 2+852 6545 7707
e-mail 1antiquetango@gmail.com
Milonga's venue typeStudio with bar
Milonga's venue nameStudio 9
Organizer's nameAntimo - Sunny - Ivy
Organizer's typeIndividuals
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Milonga 9
The biggest and most popular Milonga in Hong Kong.
Every fourth or Last Saturday of the month in Studio 9 - Sheung Wan.
We recommend to book your spot in advance.
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: October 23, 2022

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