Milongas in America > Milongas in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro There are: (sort the results by: city or by state/province). 2 milongas in Brasilia in the state/province of Distrito Federal.  2 milongas in Curitiba in the state/province of Parana.  1 milonga in Florianopolis in the state/province of Santa Catarina.  1 milonga in Fortaleza in the state/province of Ceara.  1 milonga in Natal in the state/province of Rio Grande do Norte.  1 milonga in Porto Alegre in the state/province of Rio Grande do Sul.  1 milonga in Ribeirao Preto in the state/province of São Paulo.  9 milongas in Rio de Janeiro in the state/province of Rio de Janeiro.  6 milongas in Sao Paulo in the state/province of Sao Paulo. 
Day | Sunday | Milonga's name | EsTangostoso | Beginning time | 19:00 | Ending time | 23:00 | Entrance fee | R$12,00 | City | Rio de Janeiro | Address | 112 R. do Catete | State/Province | Rio de Janeiro | Telephone 1 | 55 (21) 2264 6044 | Telephone 2 | 55 (21) 9124 3930 | e-mail 1 | | Website | | Milonga's venue type | ballroom | Milonga's venue name | Academia de danca Jimmy de Oliveira | Organizer's name | Marcio Carreiro | Organizer's type | dance school | Comments (transportation, music, ...) | This milonga takes place every 3rd Sunday of the month. Very good mix of traditional, nuevo and Canyengue. See site for map. |
Day | Sunday | Milonga's name | Milonga del Domingo | Beginning time | 19:00 | Ending time | 23:00 | Entrance fee | R$20,00 | City | Rio de Janeiro | Address | Rua Conde de Baependi, 62 | Map Link | Click here for a map | State/Province | Rio de Janeiro | Telephone 1 | (0055) 21 - 25567765 | Telephone 2 | (0055) 21 - 96293072 | e-mail 1 | | Website | | Milonga's venue type | restaurante | Milonga's venue name | SAVANA | Organizer's name | Bob Cunha e Aurya Pires | Organizer's type | Professores | Comments (transportation, music, ...) | A Milonga é realizada sempre no segundo e quarto domingo de cada mês. Fica próximo ao Largo do Machado (Metrô).
Seleção musical com: tangos, vals, milongas e eletrônicos; Dança de Salão nos intervalos (10%). |
Day | Tuesday | Milonga's name | Pratica do Valdeci | Beginning time | 20:00 | Ending time | 00:00 | Entrance fee | R$ 18,00 | City | Rio de Janeiro | Address | Rua Voluntarios da Patria, 341 - 2nd floor (Botafogo) | State/Province | Botafogo | Telephone 1 | (55-21) 97897-7969 | Telephone 2 | (55-21) 98133-9508 | e-mail 1 | | Milonga's venue type | Dance studio | Milonga's venue name | Studio de Danca Valdeci de Souza | Organizer's name | Valdeci de Souza | Organizer's type | Individual | Comments (transportation, music, ...) | This practica takes place every Tuesday. |
Day | Wednesday | Milonga's name | Pratica da Casa do Tango | Beginning time | 20:00 | Ending time | 00:00 | Entrance fee | R$ 20,00 | City | Rio de Janeiro | Address | Rua da Passagem, 172 - 3rd floor | State/Province | RJ | Telephone 1 | (5521)99665-4489 | e-mail 1 | | Website | | Milonga's venue type | Dance School | Milonga's venue name | Casa do Tango | Organizer's name | Alice Vasques - Andre Carvalho | Organizer's type | Dance teachers | Comments (transportation, music, ...) | This practica begins with a 1 hour class, continuing with the practice with the participants and those who want only to enjoy dancing tango. Every week on Wednesdays. |
Day | Thursday | Milonga's name | Los Mareados | Beginning time | 19:30 | Ending time | 23:15 | Entrance fee | R$40,00 | City | Rio de Janeiro | Address | Rua Farme de Amoedo, 52 | Map Link | Click here for a map | State/Province | Rio de Janeiro | Telephone 1 | +55 21994525058 | e-mail 1 | | Milonga's venue type | restaurant | Milonga's venue name | Los Mareados | Organizer's name | Marcia Figueiredo | Organizer's type | individual | Comments (transportation, music, ...) | 1rst thurday of the month. Listen to a refined tango selection and have a good tango ambience. Restaurant with excelent food and drinks. |
Day | Friday | Milonga's name | MILONGA XANGO | Beginning time | 21:00 | Ending time | 01:00 | Entrance fee | R$ 20,00 | City | Rio de Janeiro | Address | Rua Gomes Freire, 663, sobreloja, LAPA | State/Province | Rio de Janeiro | Telephone 1 | (55 - 21) 3970-2457 | e-mail 1 | | e-mail 2 | | Milonga's venue type | Ballroom | Milonga's venue name | Espaco Viralapa | Organizer's name | Paulo Araujo | Organizer's type | Dance school | Comments (transportation, music, ...) | This Milonga takes place every friday of the month in a privileged local, LAPA. There you have the convenience of air conditioning. |
Day | Friday | Milonga's name | Milonga Xango | Beginning time | 21:00 | Ending time | 01:00 | City | Rio de Janeiro | Address | Av. Gomes Freire 663 - prim. piso | State/Province | Rio de Janeiro | Telephone 1 | (55-21)3970 2457 | e-mail 1 | | Website | | Milonga's venue type | bar/ | Organizer's name | Paulo Araujo | Organizer's type | Institute | Comments (transportation, music, ...) | Traditional |
Day | Saturday | Milonga's name | Conectango | Beginning time | 21:00 | Ending time | 00:00 | City | Rio de Janeiro | Address | Rua Barao de Mesquita, 482 (Tijuca) | State/Province | Rio de Janeiro | Telephone 1 | (55-21) 2288-1173 | Telephone 2 | (55-21) 9618-0734 | e-mail 1 | | Website | | Milonga's venue type | Dance school | Milonga's venue name | Escola Carioca de Danca | Organizer's name | Marcelo Martins e Vanessa Galvao | Organizer's type | Individuals | Comments (transportation, music, ...) | This milonga takes place on the first Sunday of the month. |
Day | Saturday | Milonga's name | Milonga Pasional | Beginning time | 21:00 | Ending time | 01:00 | Entrance fee | R$30,00 | City | Rio de Janeiro | Address | Rua da Passagem 172/3 piso Botafogo | State/Province | Rio de Janeiro | Telephone 1 | 5521996654489 | Telephone 2 | 552134359946 | e-mail 1 | | e-mail 2 | | Website | | Milonga's venue type | Dance School | Milonga's venue name | Caasa do Tango | Organizer's name | Alice Vasques - Andre Carvalho | Organizer's type | Dance Teachers | Comments (transportation, music, ...) | This Milonga happens every frist and third saturday of each month!! |
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- Please, don't ask us about the best milongas. We could not know/visit all the milongas worldwide.
- We strongly recommend you to contact the milongas organizers before going there, to double check the validity of the milonga and last minute changes.