Milongas in Africa > Milongas in Mauritius There are: (sort the results by: city or by state/province). 1 milonga in Grand Baie in the state/province of Grand Bay. 
Day | Friday | Milonga's name | Tango Del Mar | Beginning time | 21:30 | Ending time | 00:00 | Entrance fee | Rs200 | City | Grand Baie | Address | Banana Beach Club - Blue Note | Map Link | Click here for a map | State/Province | Grand Bay | Telephone 1 | 58131350 | e-mail 1 | | e-mail 2 | | Milonga's venue type | Bar | Milonga's venue name | Blue Note | Organizer's name | Joseph | Organizer's type | Individual | Comments (transportation, music, ...) | Happens every 2nd and 4th Friday of the Month. Reach out if you need any assistance to get there or any information at all!
Welcome to all visiting tango dancers! |
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- Please, don't ask us about the best milongas. We could not know/visit all the milongas worldwide.
- We strongly recommend you to contact the milongas organizers before going there, to double check the validity of the milonga and last minute changes.