Milongas in America > Milongas in Uruguay There are: (sort the results by: city or by state/province). 4 milongas in Montevideo in the state/province of Montevideo. 
Day | Monday | Milonga's name | La Lunera | Beginning time | 21:30 | Ending time | 01:00 | Entrance fee | U$S 2 | City | Montevideo | Address | Aquiles Lanza 1290 esq. San Jos | Map Link | Click here for a map | State/Province | Montevideo | Telephone 1 | 099 208 328 | e-mail 1 | | Website | | Milonga's venue type | Salon de Baile | Milonga's venue name | Joventango | Organizer's name | Oscar Cardeillac | Organizer's type | Escuela de Danza Oscar y Cristina | Comments (transportation, music, ...) | A 50 mts de calle principal de la ciudad , Locomocion excelente, La milonga tiene una de las mejores pistas de la ciudad , Excelente piso de madera , Aire Acondicionado , Snak Bar, Los nombres de los tangos y sus interpretes se ven reflejados simultaneamente en pantalla de 50" durante su ejecucion, para informacion del milonguero/a .- Los organizadores y DJ de la milonga "La Lunera", son los Profesores de Tango de los dias Lunes-----------
ENGLISH ; 50 meters from the main street of the city, excellent locomotion, the milonga has one of the best tracks in the city, excellent wood floor, air conditioning, Snak Bar, The names of the tangos and their interpreters are reflected simultaneously on the screen of 50 "during its execution, for milonguero information. - The organizers and DJ of the milonga" La Lunera ", are the Tango Teachers of the days Monday |
Day | Thursday | Milonga's name | la 2x3 | Beginning time | 21:30 | Ending time | 03:30 | Entrance fee | $U 90 | City | Montevideo | Address | Jose Enrique Rodo 2380 | State/Province | Montevideo | Telephone 1 | (05982)95461910 | e-mail 1 | | e-mail 2 | | Milonga's venue type | restaurant/ballroom | Organizer's name | Jose Ferrando | Organizer's type | Individuals | Comments (transportation, music, ...) | Best milonga in Montevideo! Traditional tango, exhibitions every thursday! |
Day | Thursday | Milonga's name | El Chamuyo | Beginning time | 20:30 | Ending time | 03:00 | Entrance fee | 120 pesos | City | Montevideo | Address | 25 de mayo 591 | State/Province | Montevideo | Telephone 1 | 098635105 | e-mail 1 | | Milonga's venue type | Ballroom | Organizer's name | Joselo Ferrando | Comments (transportation, music, ...) | 20.30 horas clase de tango.
22 hs milonga.
Buena música, exhibiciones de baile, comida, tragos.
En plena Ciudad Vieja de Montevideo un sitio imperdible. |
Day | Saturday | Milonga's name | Milonga Vieja Viola | Beginning time | 22:00 | Ending time | 03:00 | Entrance fee | $100 pesos | City | Montevideo | Address | Paysandu 1615 esquina Roxlo | State/Province | Montevideo | Telephone 1 | cel. 091297426 | Telephone 2 | 24036290 | e-mail 1 | | e-mail 2 | | Website | http://viejaviolatango (en formacion) | Milonga's venue type | salon | Milonga's venue name | ENSUENO | Organizer's name | Rosario | Organizer's type | escuela de danza | Comments (transportation, music, ...) | A tres cuadras de la avenida principal 18 de julio. (como referente la plaza de los bomberos)musica tango con dj-orquesta en vivo alternando . |
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- Please, don't ask us about the best milongas. We could not know/visit all the milongas worldwide.
- We strongly recommend you to contact the milongas organizers before going there, to double check the validity of the milonga and last minute changes.