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Milongas in America > Milongas in Costa Rica

There are: (sort the results by: city or by state/province).
   1 milonga in Montes de Oca in the state/province of San José . go there
   2 milongas in San Jose in the state/province of San Jose. go there

Milongas in Montes de Oca to dance Tango Argentino
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Milonga's nameMilonga de mis amores
Beginning time20:00
Ending time23:45
CityMontes de Oca
AddressCalle 59, costado este del Outlet Mall.
State/ProvinceSan José
Telephone 1+506 2280-3173
Telephone 2+506 8570-3881
e-mail 1info@fantasiadetango.com
Milonga's venue typeAcademia
Milonga's venue nameFantasa de Tango
Organizer's nameFantasa de Tango
Organizer's typeEscuela de baile
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Se alterna entre viernes y sábados, cada 15 días aproximadamente.
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: March 29, 2023

Milongas in San Jose to dance Tango Argentino
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Milonga's nameMilonga de los Domingos
Beginning time17:00
Ending time22:00
Entrance fee$5
CitySan Jose
Address50 metros oeste de la rampa de visitas del Hospital Calderon Guardia
State/ProvinceSan Jose
Telephone 1(506) 22 21 84 80
Telephone 2(506) 83 98 19 67
e-mail 1casadelarcoiris@gmail.com
e-mail 2c.aravenabergen@gmail.com
Milonga's venue typeCasa Cultural de arte y movimiento
Milonga's venue nameCasa del Arcoiris
Organizer's nameCristina Aravena Bergen
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Milonga, todos los primeros y terceros Domingos del mes.
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: before Feb 24, 2012

Beginning time08:00
Ending time12:00
CitySan Jose
AddressSan Jose
Map LinkClick here for a map
State/ProvinceSan Jose
e-mail 1info@tango.cr
Comments (transportation, music, ...)Every month, there are about 15 different milongas in San Jose, the capital city of Costa Rica. Learn about them all in www.tango.cr
edit - delete - report it (closed or needs editing)Last edited: June 4, 2016

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